Re: [campsite-support] Beginner questions
  • Hi Robert,

    > 1. Breaking news dilemma:
    > Iam thinking to decided to make monthly issues and displaying news/articles by topics and subtopics.
    > Is it possible to configure Campsite that way, that if in the current issue I have no articles on particular topics, on web page will be displayed older articles from the previous (published) issue(s)?

    Yes, it is. Our template engine is powerful and very flexible. When
    listing articles you can do something like:

    {{ list_articles length="10" constraints="topic is name>:" ignore_issue="true" }}
    Title: {{ $campsite->article->name }}
    {{ /list_articles }}

    Notice the ignore_issue="true", it does exactly what you need.

    > 2. Is it possible to change the templates so, that the topics and subtopics were presented in menus rather than issue/sections ?

    Yes, it is.

    > 3.I dont need a multilingual website. Is it possible to turn off this feature?

    You can't turn off the feature, You must have at least one language
    for your site, define which one you are going to use and stick to it.


  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • Holman, thanks for fast answer!
    I will try
  • Holman Romero Wrote:

    > Yes, it is. Our template engine is powerful and
    > very flexible. When
    > listing articles you can do something like:
    > {{ list_articles length="10" constraints="topic is
    > > name>:"
    > ignore_issue="true" }}
    > Title: {{ $campsite->article->name }}
    > ...
    > {{ /list_articles }}
    > Notice the ignore_issue="true", it does exactly
    > what you need.

    Dear Holman, Iam unable put this in work. But I find a solution:

    {{ set_topic name="Global Warming:en" }}
    {{ list_articles length="10" ignore_issue="true" }}
    Title: {{ $campsite->article->name }}

    {{ /list_articles }}

    But I have a problem, how to change a html_mainmenu.tpl
    that way, that I have in menu a list of topics (not sections)

    This doesent work:

    {{ list_topics name="topics"}}
  • href="{{ uri options="topics" }}">{{ $campsite->topics->name }}

  • {{ /list_topics }}

    Sorry for my bad english
    and thanks for time and help

  • Hi Robert,

    Please check the online manual, I guess in the link below you will
    find what you need:


    On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 4:08 PM, wrote:
    > Author: RobertB
    > Link: Add a Comment